KMP under Reg 30

Contact details of Key Managerial Personnel for the purpose of determining materialityof an event or information and for the purpose of making disclosures to stockexchange(s) under Regulation 30(5).

The following Key Managerial Personnel of the Company are authorized to take a view on whether an Event or information falls within the materiality threshold as mentioned under the policy which qualifies for disclosure. Contact detail of the key managerial personnel of the company is as follows:

Sr. No.Name of Key Managerial PersonnelDesignationPhone No.Email-id
1.Mr. HanifKasambhaiShekhManaging Director       +91- 6358905872
3.Zeal Somani
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
4.Ashvinbhai Naranbhai SolankiIndependent, Non- Executive director
5. Jyoti Sureshbhai KantariyaIndependent, Non- Executive director
6.Nitaben Ashwinbhai SolankiIndependent, Non- Executive director
7.Ami Naynesh KothariCompany Secretary